Walnut Creek is geographically in the heart of Contra Costa with a Population of approximately 66,111. It is located in the shadow of Mt. Diablo, at 3,849 feet, one of the highest mountains in the Bay region. The city is serviced by two BART stations and surrounded by park lands. Walnut Creek boasts a low crime rate, high school test scores, and good weather.
The city has done a great job of putting together a "destination" central downtown area. And, in recent years the city acquired the reputation of being "one of the best places to shop".
More relaxed and closer than San Francisco's Union Square. Walnut Creek is in many ways prettier and easier to drop into. There are over ninety good restaurants, wine bars, brew pubs, several Starbucks, Peets Coffee, to name a few. Due to the wonderful climate and casual lifestyle the European custom of having outdoor cafes is common in Walnut Creek.
Broadway Plaza shopping area includes: Nordstrom's, Macys, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Tiffany, Victoria Secret, Crate and Barrel, The Container Store, Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, & William Sonoma. These name stores are complimented with an ample number of smaller specialty stores.
In addition, the downtown area has a gourmet grocery store; Whole Foods, with wonderful produce, poultry, wines, flowers, including deli-restaurants. Just let your imagination go. The stores are as pretty to walk through as they are to shop.
New town homes and condominium complexes are going up in the center of town making Walnut Creek's downtown a vibrant live-work environment.
For entertainment there is a new Mega Movie complex and the Regional Center for the Arts including a gallery. The center presents many of the same performances given in San Francisco without the traffic and parking problems. Performing arts include: symphony, dramatic plays and musicals, ballet, opera, & lecture series.
There are two major medical centers: John Muir Hospital and Kaiser.